So today is the day to think about what the past year has been and how we are going to tackle the next year. It is really amazing how time seems to fly by but then the moments, every day seem to go VERY SLOW!
For us 2008 has been a very crazy year that honestly we did not expect most everything that happened. That is life though, right? Let me warn you now that this post is extremely long and a bit boring so please feel free to stop reading now if you don't want to. We understand!:)
This is a medium size summary of 2008 for the Phippen Family:
Jan: Claire had her MRI at McKay Dee Hospital...I thought I was the most paranoid mom and felt horrible to have my little baby girl undergo the whole sedation process.
Feb: Claire got diagnosed with porencephaly and left sided hemiparesis. So started our journey of having a child with special needs.
March: Emma turned 3 with the craziest Princess party. She is still talking about it!:) Claire started physical, and occupation therapy once-twice a week. New schedules for us all!
April: Maria starts to investigate hippotherapy and looks into buying a pony. Kent decides to quite his current job at the time and start working on the opening of GO MOTORS!
May: Kent graduates from the U of U (yah!!!) and Pocket arrives to Crestwood Farms and becomes our first official pet. (We don't go half way in this house...no fish or turtle for us!:)
June: Maria turns 28, Hannah gets married to Toby (about time!) and Go Motors officially opens! Claire is diagnosed with speech apraxia and we are told she might not ever speak.
July: Kent turns 28 and we celebrate our 6th year of marriage! Maria is in charge of the Utah Suzuki Harp Institute and Emma attends her first Suzuki Harp Institute. She does tip over her harp but thankfully no other harps fell!!! The whole family runs in the Kaysville 4th of July 5K. Kent and Maria attend the DHS class of 98 10 year high school reunion. It was really fun!
August: Watkins Family trip to Portland, Maria's first time traveling alone with the kids as Kent got sick. Maria and Kent went to Maine to see Wheeler get married! What a fun weekend. Anyone looking for a great place to visit I strongly suggest Camden, Maine. BEAUTIFUL! Maria finishes her 1/2 marathon which was the main goal.
September: Claire starts hippotherapy at the National Ability Center and LOVES IT! Emma starts pre-school and wishes she could go all the time. Kent starts to take every other Saturday off. Yah!!! Maria plays "My Fair Lady" at PMT and starts teaching harp lessons in the morning and not after school.
October: Claire starts to take a few steps and can say "GO"! Emma switches up costumes a million times so we don't really know until the day before what she wants to be for Halloween! Kent and Maria find out we are having twins!
November: Claire starts to walk a bit more and say a few more things. Thanksgiving at the Kreiger's and Maria trying to struggle through the first few months of pregnancy. Kent and Go Motors are still in tact and weathering the economy.
December: We find out we are having a BOY and GIRL! Claire turns 2! Claire really starts to walk almost all the time now and can say more than 5 words! (See June post where they told us she wouldn't speak!) Emma performs in her first harp recital and does great! Kent and Go Motors has the best month they have had since opening!!! HURRAY! Kent gets his Wii for Christmas and is thrilled. (Maria is also thrilled and enjoying MarioKart much more than anticipated!)
That is our year in a nutshell. If you have made it this far in reading sorry it reads more of a Christmas card but since I didn't get them out this year then consider this it.
We love all of our friends and family and are looking forward to 2009 and all the craziness it will bring. Happy New Year!
the phippens