Dear Mack,
As our 3rd child by 30 seconds, you must feel the squeeze being between Claire and Mo because you are currently our biggest problem as of right now.
You have been on heart meds since you were born. For the past four months you were on this medicine called amioderone and it basically controlled your heart. It did it really well as you had not had any heart episodes since you came home from the hospital. AWESOME!!
Well, at the first cardiology visit they told us that the medicine has some pretty strong side effects such as liver failure, thyroid issues, blindness etc. but not to worry as they are usually common in adults who take the medicine over years of time. I repeat...YEARS of time.
Well, since you are only 4 months old this awesome medication has completely stopped your thyroid from working, (we found out Thursday), helped you get thrush in your mouth (killed all the good bacteria) so you have stopped taking feeds daily for the past couple of weeks, and made you so blocked up that you have not had a messy diaper in at least a week. (OK, I know that last part is too much info but honestly, as a parent you just get used to talking about all these much needed functions on a daily basis with anyone and everyone. The grocery store clerk, the random receptionist at the Dr.'s office, your neighbors, really...everyone!)
So now here we are on a new heart medicine to control the heart (3 x's a day) and medicine for your thrush (4 x's a day). Plus with our stethoscope we are supposed to listen to your heart at least 3 times a day. The cardiologist told us that basically if we can't count the number of beats then we just need to take you into the ER.
I just don't know if I can handle this!
This is what I have come up with and correct me if I am wrong. Kids are hard! There is no easy way around it. I didn't realize how hard and how many Dr's I would be going to but with all these crazy moments, and I mean crazy, I don't really think I would trade it at all. Sure, I wouldn't mind having less time in the hospitals but what can you do about that?
As much trouble as you, my 3rd born is giving me lately and many sleepless nights as I have had recently I would not trade you in. Nope. You are stuck with us so just get over it and give me a break OK! Please let your thyroid start working and just take a break from exciting news at every visit. I would appreciate it greatly!!!
Love ya!