I am thinking of things to blog about nearly every day but when the time comes that I can sit down and do it I am either a) too tired or b) forgot what I was going to blog about. Seriously! I wish it wasn't so hard but honestly I can't explain it any other way. :)
So this past month we have been doing a lot of things and yet not much.
The girls are doing great. Claire is speaking and gaining momentum in the attitude department which I thought Emma had all to herself. The other day I asked Claire to pick up some toys and she turned and said in a very sarcastic way, "No, you!" I tried to put her in time out but I couldn't stop laughing so that didn't work.
The boys are getting really big. At least to us they are. Mack is 11.5 pounds and Morgan 11 pounds. They are sleeping through the night now and for a brief moment I thought about separating them and putting them in their own cribs but I couldn't do it because they wake up every morning all snuggled up to each other. I just couldn't stop that!
Here are some pictures that represent July for us!
A day of 3 kids in diapers at the same time...yes, that is all from one day!
The boys snuggling up to each other after a nap.
The girls preparing to feed the boys. Such great helpers!
Emma after too many late summer nights
The girls jumping on the tramp