Do you ever have a day where you feel like you need to list the pros and cons of the day to realize that it really isn't that bad? I had one yesterday.
Kent has been out of town since Thursday morning and comes home this Friday and yesterday was the half way mark. That means that it was pretty much a crappy day. I don't really know why it was but the entire day just felt "off". You know what I mean?
So in order to combat it by the end of the day and countless moments of losing my patience with my children I listed the pros and cons.
Here is what I came up with in no specific order...please don't judge me!:)
Cons:-I am flying solo which means no down time.
-Emma is sleeping now officially in my room on the floor which means she goes to bed with me and wakes up with me. I don't know about you but with the down time I need my alone time. Selfish I know but that is the truth!
-Claire's fish died and I had to be the one to tell her and dispose of him. She did not take the news well...ask Aunt Hannah. RIP Bobby!
-Mack and Morgan both have double ear infections which does not make for pleasant babies. Need I say more?
-I had McDonald's for breakfast and dinner. No lunch. (this could be a pro as well I am not really sure!)
Pros:-I have an amazing family on both sides who call and check in to see if I am still sane.
-I have a wonderful bed which when I finally crawl into I can't keep my eyes open for more than 2 seconds. Not to mention a home and food and clothes. ALWAYS a bonus!
-The girls bought the boys birthday presents with coupons I got in my first Sunday paper. (see it is all ready paying off!)
-I am healthy and well.
-I have a wonderful mom who came and helped me fold every clean article of clothing that I had in the house!
-I have a wonderful husband who is working hard to provide for our family
-I have a great job that enables me to work on something besides kids which in essence gives me a few moments of sanity.
-I bought "New Moon" the DVD and watched half of it. I plan to finish the other half today. (again please don't judge! It is like candy to my brain. No need to think just sit and veg.)
I found this to be incredibly therapeutic and helpful to my mental state.
What are your pros and cons? Do you ever have to do this?