Yesterday was a very exciting day at out house. At least I think so. Emma performed for her first time at the harp festival/federation held at BYU. Her number was #5471 and she played Lavender's Blue (LH) and Lightly Row (RH). Other than forgetting to announce her pieces and number she played them flawlessly!
It is funny though. Growing up having these moments in my life. Performing the exact same pieces, in the same room at the same time of year back in the 80's brings back so many memories for me. The difference though is the way I am looking at them. Through fresh eyes. With a better understanding of how it was for my mom.
My mom was a pro at harp things. She never once let on to me if she was nervous or worried that I wouldn't do a good job. Because of her total confidence in me I never remember being worried that it wouldn't go well. I just always expected it to work out. Man I really hope I can instill the same confidence with my kids. Judging from yesterday and the entire last week it will be a miracle if they get any confidence from me.:) I was a nervous wreck! You would have thought I was performing in Carnegie Hall or something. I had been nervous the entire week and couldn't really sleep the night before. I couldn't eat the whole morning yesterday and just kept saying to Emma "your going to do great! I love you and just want you to have fun!" I hope I can get better at this. I would gladly perform in front of thousands of people and make a fool of myself than have my little girl have a bad experience performing. I can't explain why but perhaps it is just that I totally love her so much and hope that she knows that.
In spite my total heart attack for the brief 2 minutes that she performed she seemed to enjoy it, to not be stressed at all and to own it. Well done Emma! Well done.:)