Today Emma started Kindergarten. It is a big day for us as she is our first in the school system.
It was fun to see her pick out her clothes, tell me how her hair was to be done decide how to wear her backpack and realize the none of it would be what I would pick. She is our oldest and therefore we have had to learn through her how to parent. She has taught me over and over again that she has her own personality and her way of doing things and they don't coincide with mine most of the time.
With that said I was 100% proud of her this morning. She just stood in line waiting for her class to walk in and get going. Kent and I stood on the sidelines watching her with complete awe. We said good bye and she waved, blew me a kiss and walked away. Kent told me to run up and give her one last hug since in that moment we both realized that she is not a baby or toddler anymore. She is a grown little person who is now in the system. Ready to make friends, learn fun and hard lessons and a little bit out in the world now. Congratulations Emma! Good luck for a great year!