The past three weeks have been miracles after miracles. The biggest one in our family is that Claire is officially walking! She has now decided that walking will be her main mode of transportation and I couldn't be more relieved and happy. She walks everywhere now and like any regular 2 yr old she wants to now do everything by herself. She has also started trying to speak more as a result of walking (the Dr.'s think). She still isn't really communicating in a form that you can understand,but she signs and points and tries to get her ideas across and they usually do make it.
I just have to say that these things are miracles in our family and I am so thankful for them!
Congratulations Claire! We couldn't be more happy for this huge milestone!:)
Maria, that is so awesome! I hope the signing and walking continue. If you haven't already, you'll have to ask your speech therapist about PECS (the picture cards). I know sometimes they aren't introduced until later (with Jackson it was 2 1/2 - 3 yrs), but it seemed to really help him make the connect between a desired item and the word. Good luck and keep us posted. I hope you are feeling well and that the babies are growing healthy and strong.
Oh Maria that is great news! She looks so cute in this picture- what a great blessing for her to start walking. Even more fun for you to keep track of those walking legs when those twins come! So exciting.
Claire is a such a sweetheart! I'm glad Sasha has another female cuz her same age :)
Hooray for Claire! That's huge!
That is a BIG deal! Claire just keeps knocking down those milestones. She has her mom's determination. :)
Thats fantastic... and she is the cutest thing..! It was so good to see you yesterday and you look so cute with the boys!!
YEAH for Miracles! We are so happy for you and hope so many more miracles come your way. Your cute family deserves them all.
That's fantastic! Way to go, Claire! I can imagine how much these milestones mean to you all! I hope things continue to keep up the pace for you and Claire! xx
I am so excited for you and your family. Claire is so cute. I'm sure to get a Phippen update every time I go to the McCloy house, which I love. Congrats on the twins too! You're going to be one busy mama!
Yahoo for Ms. Claire, watch out next comes the boy chasing! That smile of hers is infectious...
Yay! Claire is such a sweetheart and I love her fight and determination. You guys have done so much to get to this point and it is amazing to see how great she is doing! We love little Claire and couldn't be more happy for this huge step (no pun intended lol).
I love the picture. She is as cute as ever!!
Yeah! This is so exciting for Clair. Also on the boy thing, just let us know if you need anything. We've been around the block before!
What a sweetie. I am so glad Claire is doing so well. I am sure it has a lot to do with the fabulous parents she has!
Add my HOORAY! You need your arms to be free for the next event! Love, Aunt L.
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