Things are going well. Morgan is doing so well and other than a bit of jaundice, with billi lights he is eating well and seems to be doing good. This morning I got to do what they call Kangaroo Care which basically means that I got to hold him for almost an hour with him all nestled on my chest like any newborn who fell asleep on their parents. It was AMAZING! It also made me think about the days ahead that are going to be hard but so worth it. It also made me realize how much I needed to get out of the hospital and see Mack. I can't explain how much I felt he needed me as well. Does that sound crazy?!
So with my Dr.'s blessing I got out today and this afternoon went to Primary Children's to see Mack.
Little Mack had a rough day yesterday since they were still not able to figure out his heart. It would just not stop shooting up and he was having around 30 "episodes" with his heart every hour. So yesterday afternoon the Dr decided to try a different medicine and I am happy to report that since yesterday afternoon he has not had one episode! Kent was also able to hold him which I personally think helped Mack as well.
I was able to hold Mack this afternoon and fell in love again! I can't believe I am so blessed to have 2 little boys that are such fighters! I want to also tell you that Kent has been amazing! He has been so good at the whole running back and forth thing the past few days. I don't know how he has been doing it but I am so grateful that he is my companion in these crazy moments of life! He has been everything to everyone and that is pretty much impossible!
Thanks everyone for your love and support! We are so blessed and I feel a real sense of peace at such an out of control time in our lives! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Here is a brief explanation of the pictures (if anyone wants to tell me how to write text under the photos I would love to learn how!)
1. Kent holding Mack for the first time!
2. Maria holding Morgan for the first time!
3. Kent and me saying good bye to Mack before he left for SLC
4. Morgan right after delivery
5. Mack right after delivery
What beautiful boys, congrats you two! I hope all continues to go well with the babies. I am praying for you all.
Beautiful boys!
I am so glad they were able to find a medicine that seems to be helping. I can't imagine how crazy everything is right now. You are in my prayers. And they are absolutely darling by the way!!!
Maria~ They are beautiful!!! Congrats again.
I happy to hear things are improving! Your babies are beautiful. I am sure their sisters are going to love them just as much. Good thoughts are sent your way!
I forgot about Kangaroo Kare! Some of my most treasured moments in the NICU. I'm so happy to hear the progress they are already making.
Congratulations again Maria- so glad to hear the boys are doing better and things are improving. We are keeping you in our prayers!
What precious boys, MEWP!! They are so lucky to have such wonderful parents! Keeping all 6 Phippens in our thoughts and prayers :) xoxo
They are beautfiul boys! I am glad they were able to try some different things for Mack and it is helping. You guys are both amazing!
Oh, I have been so excited to see them. They are beautiful! You guys are amazing. Those two brothers came to the perfect family. I can imagine how hard it must be to be running around, I am glad family is close. Way to be super dad shment!
I am so glad they are both doing so well! We'll keep you in our prayers!
Congratulations! you're in our prayers. Love Becca and Jeremy
Oh Maria, I'm so glad that you are all hanging in there. The boys are darling! I hope you all get to come home soon!
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