My cousin Liz Hoke gave me this shirt and it fits Mack completely! Not just in size but in personality as well.:) Let me explain...
Mack was the one in my stomach who wouldn't stop moving and kicking making Morgan seem very mild. Mack was the one who at the last week turned breach so that had we not had to have the emergency C-section we would probably would have had to have one anyways. Mack was the one who decided that he and Morgan needed to be born 2 months early. He was the one who needed to be life flighted both ways, to and from Primary Children's. He was the one who when the boys got circumcised last week the Dr. told us that it was "official" that Mack was definitely going to be the trouble maker in our duo! Mack is the one child I have had who will not take a binky to save his life and mine. Mack also seems to be the one who wakes his brother up almost every time, and today he was the one who had the first blow out of many to come!:)
I don't want to label my boys all ready but I must agree that the evidence seems to point to Mack in all directions. With all this being said though we love him and wouldn't trade him in at all. Just thought it was funny that Liz had given us this shirt and it fit him all too well! Thanks Liz!!!:)
I hope you don't think I am being a mean mom! I really love my little guy it is just fun to see the personality traits in the boys develop so early! Do you think personality traits are visible this early in babies?
Yes you can tell what they're going to be like, from the minute they're born. Adam was very laid back, lay in his baby warmer for 2 hours, just looking around (I was too drugged up to pick him up) and then Ellie came out screaming and screamed for an hour and has been screaming ever since. Instant personality announcements, both of them.
Good luck with Mack!! Ellie wouldn't take a binky either and screamed for 4 months until she found her thumb. Bliss. Start working on that now!
So funny!! He sure is cute though!
Hey Maria, quick question- I know you are super busy!
How do you like your Peg Perego car seat? So far it is my favorite and the one we are leaning towards purchasing, just wanted to see if you like it. Thanks!
That's hilarious..he does seem to be following a pattern !! All that spirit..he's going to be fun.
I agree with Alex, I definitely saw character traits in my kids very early.
Still trying to get Theo to take a binky or find a thumb or have my sympathy !!!!!
Haha. One of our twins (Sadie) was totally harder as a baby than the other. Every nurse in the NICU told us that she was going to be a little "spit-fire." She still is really spirited and has that same personality, but I think Raegan's drama is way more difficult to handle than Sadie's spirit at this point. It's kind of funny though that you can totally tell a lot about them from such a young age.
I think that is one of the things that has surprised me most about babies - that they truly come with their little personalities and they are visible almost straightaway. And they are so alert and aware of where they are (or where they are not!).
You are doing so well! Truly, an inspiration! I love looking at the pictures! Also, I made our blog private but would love to invite you to read; if you email me at louchielou at hotmail dot com I will send you an invitation!
I can't believe you! I only brought one home and I haven't blogged a thing or gone to the store!! You are a little crazy I think! Just kidding, good for you-they look like they are doing fabulous! Fun to get an update. You amaze me!
Yes.... I didn't realize it was going to fit so well in so many ways!!! LOVE IT and I am so glad I finally got to meet both of them... they are way too cute!!! Yahoo so this time I will really see you sooner than later!
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