I went and saw 17 Miracles in the theaters the other day. The movie subject always gets me. The Willie and Martin handcart company's story. The thing that struck a chord with me was how many miracles there were. I am sure there were more than 17 but the show could only be 2 hours right?
Well in our house we have had at least 2 MAJOR miracles the past 2 days. I need to write them down so I will never forget.
Our first was with Pocket. Many of you know he made it through surgery. Thank goodness! I was not ready to see our little guy go just yet. The vet came back though and told me that he was pretty certain that the form of cancer he has was a) rare (which really should not surprise us since we deal with rare medical on a daily basis) and b) aggressive. He then told me that we would be in the exact same spot with Pocket next year as far as surgery goes. Great.
The miracle came though when yesterday afternoon Mike (from the barn) called and told me that the biopsy came back and the tumor was benign. Which means that Pocket should be around for a long time! I am so thankful for this miracle since the girls and boys seem to really be loving Pocket and the horses right now.
Our 2nd miracle was more of a "I don't know how that happened" miracle!
On Monday night we were watching fireworks at Kent's sisters place for the 4th. Things were going great and the kids were loving them. Then they lit one of the really big aerial "now legal" ones which in the process tipped over and started shooting right at the family with my kids on the front line. It was seriously the most scared I have ever been for my kids! It felt like being in a gun fight with fireworks going off all around us. I even felt a bit of singe on the top of my ears and hair! Somehow all my kids were not only safe but had not a scratch on them. It made me think of the part in the handcart story where the angels were helping them push the wagons. Well I felt that angels were seriously holding and protecting my kids as I was not with them at that exact moment. The kids did not move or panic. They each had a little bubble around them that seemed to deflect the fireworks. The kids were a little scared (obviously) but other than that just fine. Again, I seriously don't know how they were not hit but am so thankful for safety and protection on Monday night!
Miracles do exist! If you ever doubt them just look around. I have never been so sure of anything like I am now!
6 days ago
I'm so glad you are all safe. Your story scared me, too and made me realize that we shouldn't take anything for granted. I need to see that movie.
Holy cow Maria, this SAME EXACT thing happened to us last Saturday and it was so scary!!! I'm glad nobody was hurt in your family as well. I hope after this July they make those aerial fireworks illegal again.
Great news about Pocket!!
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