This is a picture of the kids meeting Kent at the airport after his race. They were so excited!

Claire after she had a successful trip to the potty!

Mack taking his first steps!

Morgan clapping since Claire and I were freaking out after he just stood up and walked!
We have had big steps happening around here lately!
Mack and Morgan have started to take their first steps. In true twin/boy fashion Mack did it first and it seemed like Morgan was literally a step behind. Mack is such a physical kid who just tries and tries until he finally gets it. Morgan on the other hand seemed to study Mack trying and then just got up and did it. They are so darn cute I can't stand it!
Claire has finally got the hang of using the potty! It has truly been a miracle to watch how easy it has been for her. I am constantly amazed once again at how well her brain and body have worked together. AMAZING!
Emma had her first trip away from mom. This was more of a big step for me than her. She went with Kent last weekend to California to see Kent's brother bless their baby. I was so nervous and sad to think that I was missing out on things with her but the idea of driving to and from California with all the kids in one weekend was enough for me to miss those events in her life! She had a great time though and I am so proud of the girl she is becoming.
Kent had his first race in that he was in charge of in September. It was amazing for me to see how much work really goes into every single race at Ragnar! I had no idea and am happy to say that we survived as a family and he survived as the race director!
Me...well I am doing a first since I had kids which is perform solo in public. This has been a big stretching moment in my life this past year. I have loved reconnecting to performing and practicing. I am performing tonight at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square at 7:30 as part of the Temple Square Concert series. I am looking forward to it and hopefully enjoying the experience! All are welcome that are 8 years old and older!:)