Does life ever stop getting crazy or do you just have to adjust?
For the past couple of months I have been trying to wrap my head around the prospect of having 3 children. Yes, Kent and I are expecting. I feel like it took me a couple of months because of how everyone tells you how hard 3 is. So you can only imagine what happened last week when the Dr. told me that we are actually having 2 babies! TWINS!!!!
It is very crazy and I can't believe it but that is what is happening in our house. We are only a couple of months along so hopefully everything will go well, but we are looking at doubling our family in late April, early May. We have no idea how we are going to do it and are once again just realizing that we will have to adjust and just go with it. We feel that if Heavenly Father has blessed us with these two babies then he has faith in us so we should have faith in ourselves.
So here is to having 4 kids 4 and under!!!!
Gigs For President
1 week ago