So I was told this week by a few people that you don't blog about having twins and then just never respond after that! I apologize that I haven't posted sooner about the pregnancy but seriously I have been so tired and just void of telling you all anything that those of you who have been pregnant before don't know! Morning sickness sucks! Being tired sucks! Having your kids being babysat by Dora and Max and Ruby sucks!
However today we found out information worthy of blogging as well as making all the above complaints about pregnancy worth it. We found out this morning that we are 100% sure that we are having a BOY and 90-95% that we will have another GIRL!!!!
I am thrilled to experience motherhood of a son and more than happy to have another little girl. They are also healthy and measuring totally on schedule. They are about the same size and are measuring about 16 weeks. (I will be 17 weeks on Saturday~) The Dr. told us that they are two totally different people and that they both decided to come down at the same time rather than take turns. I laughed because they both probably knew that if only one would have come then the other might never had made it here. We might have stopped at 3!!!
So, now we need some help. Does anyone have any name suggestions at all? We are totally stumped especially on the boy front. We are open and would appreciate any ideas! Emma has offered Clementine and Hal and those two are both out of the running so sorry for those who were going to suggest them!
Thanks everyone. I have included a picture of me pregnant at 13 weeks and one at 16 weeks. (As a apology to those who have actually wanted to know how it is all going!)
ohmyword. I am so thrilled for you! A boy! and another girl! Is Kent so excited? OK so 16 weeks that means you are almost half way, right?
You look fantastic!
what a difference 3 weeks makes! But to be honest, you don't look as big as the photo...I think the camera does add 10 lbs!
Thrilled for the boy and the girl! Can't wait to meet these little ones. I kinda like Hal.....good suggestion, Emma! She always has good ideas!
How exciting! I'm so happy for you and glad that the babies are growing and healthy! I hope you start to feel better.
Well congratulations!! Boys are fun... and it's good to have at least one of each!
You are so cute! No worries about no recent blog posts. Its not like you don't have other things to do! :) I am glad the twins look healthy and so much fun to finally add a boy to your family. Boys names are so hard....I had several girl name ideas but not so many boys. If we have another boy I think his name will be Andrew or Jackson or James. Well those are my votes not sure what Ben would say. Good luck coming up with some names and hope you keep feeling better!
A boy and a girl...that's absolutely perfect! Congrats. I love the names Hal and Clementine. I think you should listen to Emma! :)
Congratulations! Twins are so exciting. No ideas on names...but I'm sure whatever you choose will be very cool and klassy. That's classy with a "k."
Since they are such great baby sitters.... how about naming them Max and Ruby??? Or Dora and Deigo? or Toot and Puddles? of course I'm kidding. You have great taste in names, I'm sure inspiration will hit you when you least expect it.
How fun! Hopefully that makes the "joys" of early pregnancy a little more bearable! Congrats! I keep thinking that I might be able to talk my hubby into only 1 more (it's going to take some doing!) and so if I have twins than I'd at least be able to have 4! hee hee. Who really wishes for the craziness of twins? But I'm sure you just move forward with it as it is all you can do. And they are so darn cute! Congrats again! Send me your e-mail to sarasandburg (at) and I'll invite you to my blog. Take care, cute mama!
I still can't believe you get a little boy and another little girl! Twins would be so fun that way! Anyway...names...hmmmm. We struggle with boy names...I'll keep thinking :)
That is fantastic news, I have loved having a little boy he is a total delight and I'm sure yours will be adored by his big sisters. So great to hear that the babies are developing well. I so sympathise with the sickness and tiredness. The extra effort required with twins starts right from pregnancy !!Wish I could suggest some good names, but we have enough difficulty finding ones for our own kids !!!
I'm not pregnant with twins and I let Max and Ruby tend my kids, so don't feel too bad. That is so exciting!!! You will have fun with the boy addition to the fam. Good luck and hang in there.
That's fantastic! You look so cute, too! I would suggest some names, but I'm still having children. I like English sounding names, though! Hope you get over the tiredness.
Thought I'd weigh in again with names...I think about this a lot, since we have to come up with one. I love the name Ellery for a girl and boys are cool with last names. How about Simmons? Now, do you have any suggestions for me?!
Yahooooo!! I am so excited... and as for names ... Yikes, that is a hard one but if I think of any good ones I will let you know!! And if you need anything let me know too!!
How exciting!! Ok, I'll give you my favorite names, but just be aware, that I might use them for my own kids ;)
Boys: Benyon -except it sounds like onion; Cohen and Hudson.
girls: Reese, Alivia, or Hadley.
We missed you in the pit, but I am SOO glad that it is OVER, yay!!!
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